Free Medicine Painting Course

Medicine Basket is a FREE guided online process to discover your beautiful soul gifts that are ready to be accessed to support you in your daily  life. No art experience necessary.

Tree Woman Quest

Let Rebecca-Lee guide you to actively engage in your own healing as you journey through the four seasons. This is your personal medicine painting quest and requires no art experience, just your openness to explore your inner and outer worlds.

Unlock Your Love Blocks

This is an opportunity to begin to release yourself from what is holding you back, and unlock your greatest potential. Recognise and overcome inner limitations, and aligning yourself to a higher frequency.

This is where you get to change your story…

Cosmic Rebel Studio

Where Ritual & Creativity Meet
Medicine Painting Courses for everyone – no art experience needed!

Discover Your Lover Archetype...

If you want to know absolutely everything about where you are at on a Soul level – what your strengths are, how to use them to navigate love, what to look out for to give you the best chance in finding true love, then complete my comprehensive Lover Archetype survey. Get a full detailed assessment on your energetic vibration which will include an extensive Lover Archetype profile.

Have you heard the call in your soul?

There is a resounding call throughout the cosmos inviting us to remember who we are.

We are spiritual beings here to awaken our divine gifts and purpose and manifest them here on the earth.  We are in a sacred time; standing at a door to a new earth – a new way of living and being.

Warriors of the Rainbow it is time to release yourself of the old chains, patterns and blocks of the old. You have a destiny to live. It is never too late. Opportunity and magic are everywhere for you to be who you truly are.

Discover More About Yourself

Take a FREE Survey and get instant results! (Approx 5 mins each)

Unlock Your Love Blocks®


Discover your major block to deeper self-love and stronger relationships.



Break dysfunctional family chains and discover your legacy.



Discover your potential by uncovering your own unique spiritual gifts.


Release yourself from the binds, ties and chains that keep you trapped in a life where you are not being all you know you are and can be.

Unlock your
love blocks®

This is a self-love journey that will prepare you for deeper connections in  all areas of your life, especially love and intimacy.

Rebecca Lee Program - Healing with the ancestors

Healing with
the Ancestors®

Heal what is in disharmony in your family system and discover the medicine that the ancestors do have to offer you.

Rebecca Lee Program - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts

Awaken your spiritual Gifts™

Awaken a part of yourself you have been yearning to connect with by discovering and activating your spiritual intuitive gifts.

Rebel Studio

A creative immersion for those who yearn to be creative and to self-heal and activate the medicine of their Soul, Earth and Spirit.

Rebecca Lee Program - Healing with the ancestors

Unlock Your
Money Blocks

Discover what is blocking you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually from experiencing and feeling abundant in life.

Rebecca Lee Program - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts

Vibe Body®

Learn to listen and understand the beauty and magic of your unique physical form you are travelling in this life time.

About Rebecca-Lee

My name is Rebecca-Lee, Initiator and Guide for those on the Initiates Path. I support Souls who are ready to release old karmic patterns that are holding them back from fully living their purpose on earth. I am here to guide the way to those  who are on the journey of walking through the gateways to continual personal and spiritual advancement.

My mission is to help bring back our sacred gifts and powers that will help create a beautiful new earth. I am passionate about releasing us from all the dark energies, vows, binds, chains,  curses and agenda’s that keep us small and just surviving. We are here to be so much more! And so it is. read more.

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I didn’t honestly know what to expect as I had never met Rebecca-Lee before. Within the first minute of arriving I knew I was in good hands.  The location, art studio and surroundings were perfect. It was a beautiful supportive space to feel free and creative. Absolutely love the whole Tree Woman experience. Thank you so much!!

Amanda B - Tree Woman Workshop

Unlock Your Love Blocks has accelerated my self growth beyond my expectations. It has assisted me to let go of past trauma, resistance, stress and allowed me to create more space in my heart for love, clarity and peace to align me with who I really am. This course will be a turning point for anyone who wishes to break free and change your life.

Belinda Urquart - Unlock Your Love Blocks Program

Healing With The Ancestors has helped me recognise what I was carrying for others that I didn't need to. This work has helped me shift my perception in how I give and receive love and let go of old repeating patterns that I was playing out with my children.

Lynda Kagan - Healing with the Ancestors Program

I didn't expect my gifts to be brought out as they were. If you feel the call or are curious about who you are and your spiritual gifts, Bec is a great Mentor and will respectfully and lovingly guide you to unlocking your spiritual gifts.

Carol - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts Program

Rebecca-Lee provides a compassionate, safe, relaxed, respectful & nurturing space to purely provide guidance for our own inner wisdom to shine through. To begin to see our own potential and connect to the infinite universe inside of each and everyone of us. The connection of the red thread and each individual intention was profound and connected us all with a sense of freedom.

Rachel - Cosmic Rebel Studio

The Unlock Your Love Blocks program has been a lifeline for me. Understanding the blocks in my chakra’s and energetic field and how they relate to my life has made me feel strong and empowered. I love the energy transmissions and clearings in the course. I believed they were the critical to my transformation.

Michelle Moncrieff - Unlock Your Love Blocks Program

Rebecca's workshops are truly magical. I always leave transformed on more levels than I could ever imagine. I cannot recommend them highly enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sarah - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts Program

I came into this experience with no expectations but was completely blown away by Rebecca’s explorative facilitation and embodied wisdom in all that she shared. I highly recommend this workshop for anyone wanting clarity, deep connection in all forms and to explore your creativity.

Caitlin Taylor - Tree Woman Workshop

Bec is very knowledgable, down to earth, caring and very non-judgemental. I felt so loved and supported in the space, but was not pushed to do anything I wasn't comfortable doing. That you for sharing and caring Bec.

Tracey H - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts Program

Rebecca-Lee is someone I look up to as a Coach, friend and beautiful Soul. The Unlock Your Love Blocks work was pivotal in shifting the course of my life and my work as I am now following my dreams to also heal others. In the past few years my life has changed – a new Relationships, a new business and new friends.

Sandra Caruana - Unlock Your Love Blocks Program

Every time I have participated in these workshops, something new has been discovered, released and healed within my family lineage. I have discovered and healed curses from my grandfathers line which was such a deep connection within myself. It is truly incredible to discover how much of our families pain and personal lives still impacts ourselves, generations later.

Michelle - Healing With the Ancestors Program

I didn't have any expectations, I just had the knowing it would help me with my spiritual growth and as Becs' work does for me, it did. Bec's spaces are warm and friendly and relaxed. It always feels like friends are gathering together, in sister-love, creating strong bonds of love and support. This work has helped me grow. Blessings beautiful, thank you.

Sandra C - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts Program

From the moment I walked into the enchanting space I felt connected, earthed, and free. I am not an artist by any stroke of the brush, in fact my drawing ability sits firmly in the stick figure category.  I just went with the flow and I ended up being particularly surprised with the beautiful face that emerged on my Tree Woman

Jayme - Tree Woman Program

I undertook this course to gain some further guidance on my gifts and get some reassurance that I am on the right path. My expectations were fully met. Rebecca provided a safe and loving container where we all could just fully be ourselves and explore.

Melanie - Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts Program

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