This is the “Life Purpose” card from the Unlock Your Love Blocks oracle card deck. I wanted to share it with you, as I read an article or post the other day (I can’t remember where I saw it now) about relationships and men, and how important it is for men to be supported in their life purpose. It reminded me of the different facets of the Life Purpose card in this deck. Except the meaning I channelled in the deck takes it a step further…rather than the utmost importance for the relationship is the man to be fully supported by his partner in finding and living his purpose, I believe it is the utmost importance that the man and the WOMAN be supported equally by each other in their purpose. However, the dance is going to be who pursues when, who is supporting when, how does it work, how is it set up in your life, and who does what for now while this is discovered and pursued….THEN, the question is can you both support each other equally while pursuing your purpose and supporting your partner to pursue theirs.
We all know, that for ever long, the man has been the hunter, he hunts and provides for his family. I believe that a lot of men are on drugs and alcohol, are suffering and depressed, are angry and frustrated and therefore their relationships and partners suffer because they do not know what their purpose is and are not living their purpose. If a man is not living his purpose he and his partner will suffer and all sorts of things start to happen.
Though I believe woman are feeling this way about purpose too… we all want to know and live our purpose, but I bet most woman who are in a relationship with a man, would be more than happy and willing to support him first in foremost to find his purpose. Most Goddesses are more than willing to open their heart and hold a space of love and support for those that they love, especially their man. However, I believe for her to be able to do this fully, in a space of unconditional love in her heart, she needs to be aware of and know on some level, that her her man adores her, she needs to know that her man knows she is a goddess and he knows of her strength to support him, and he is absolutely incapable of being attracted to other women because he knows he is with his match. If a woman knows her man feels like this about her, if she trusts and believes this with all her heart there is nothing she would not to do to support him on his crusade, they crusade together! In these circumstances most Goddesses would be willing to do this and delay their own pursuit for purpose, as she knows and feels that his dreams his purpose is crucial to her and him experiencing a wonderful relationship.
So as long as he was willing to get off the self-pity chair and do something about it, I believe a goddess would, 100% help her man first and foremost, support her partner first hand on his quest to seek and live his purpose. She knows she has a vested interest in it. She understands the potential to come from this, the level of love that will come to her from this and in return she too will be supported beyond measure by her partner to seek and live her purpose.
Of course I acknowledge that today most woman seek to and must discover their own purpose and so they should! This is equally important! I am suggesting here that I believe that woman have the capacity to nurture and even sacrifice, even for a short moment in time, to support the right man to his purpose first. She may even understand that in a way, even at times she may resist this, it is part of her purpose to support this great man, even if for now it is just the potential she is supporting…..
Some woman have the absolute capacity to 100% support her man on his quest for purpose, while at the same time raising their children and working towards her own purpose! It is never limiting to what a goddess can do, and the evolved man will know and respect and let her know of the goddess she is. He understands the capacities she has that he does not. This to her makes it all worth it, being loved, adored and acknowledged. The bottom line of this card is letting you know that when you open your heart to love, when you be all the love that you are capable of in all areas of your life, you won’t have to seek your life purpose, it will weave its way to you, through you, it will be you, and you will not have to look to hard to see the gifts that you have, the essence that you are, the light that you bring to this planet. Align with love and purpose will be there for you. Men align with love by allowing a great Goddess to support them while honoring and adoring her, women align with love by supporting and nurturing the needs of her man, all while loving and seeing each other as equals, as true love warriors together on this adventure in life.
For singles, the card means the same thing, the foundation message is dissolve all unforgiveness, anger, resentment within you with love. To open your heart to love by nurturing, supporting, and allowing yourself to be supported in your quest for life. Watch your words about relationships, and the opposite sex, about yourself…. become aware of where you have negative thoughts and feelings and align them more with love…as you do so you will start aligning more with your purpose, and as you do so, you will be on the path to your divine lover…..Love is the answer….you have to be love to have a great, true love.