The Key to Trusting in Relationship is about Trusting Yourself

Jul 24, 2024 | News, Unlock Your Love Blocks

If trust is a huge issue for you and worrying about it is making you feel insecure and off balance, there are some deeper issues that you may have to deal with. I speak to a lot of women who have not been in a relationship for a long time and one of their biggest issues is not being able to trust; even those who have done a ton of personal and spiritual work still find when it comes to the crunch they cannot trust.  They will say to me “Rebecca, I would love to be in a relationship again, but I just don’t think I could handle someone hurting me again”; or “I just don’t think I would be able to trust someone again”. This can be a debilitating feeling, especially for those who truly desire to be in union with another. 

Whilst many people have been hurt, betrayed and have every reason to not trust humans again, what I often find through my Unlock Your Love Blocks® work is that the truth is they don’t trust themselves. Even after all this time and saying I’m not going to give up my life next time; I’m not going to lose myself next etc etc, they find the moment they come into connection with someone who lights their heart they immediately, and unconsciously start to fall into the same patterns. 

They cannot trust themselves to not repeat their patterns of the past. Often this is the result of some deeper issues stemming back to our Mothers’, Fathers’ and ancestors that needs to be identified.  We do this through the Unlock Your Love Blocks® program so you can see what is happening on an unconscious and soul level as to why you are repeating your patterns even when you are determined not to. 

When you feel strong within yourself, knowing when to give some and when you need to receive; and when you need to stand your ground, put up your boundaries or even be able to walk away; you will be able to allow yourself to have more experiences rather than close yourself off and hide from the world. 

Too many people are lonely and isolated because they don’t put themselves out there. Not just because they are afraid of getting hurt, but they don’t trust themselves to take care of themselves in any given situation. 

This needs some time to work on it from a Soul level and build up your connection with your Soul and learn to trust yourself and be clear about the past and what you will be willing and not willing to put up with now; communicate that in a way that is not sounding too demanding but from your heart; and be able to walk away from anything that is not going to value who you are and what you want. 

If this is an issue for you and you really want to step out of your self-imposed isolation and learn to trust yourself again and understand yourself on a soul level, come and join me in my Unlock Your Love Blocks®program at

Soul Love


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