All parts of ourselves matter. Very early on, through various experiences and feedback, we learnt to push some of who we are and who we may become into the shadow. Anything that threatened our belonging, pleasing someone we loved or being loved by them we gave up, repressed or denied. We traded a sense of who we are to be loved and accepted externally. On the inside though we exist in a state of division, believing that there is something wrong about who we are. Externally we become triggered by anyone who resembles what we have lost or gave up.
Shadow work is the process of radical acceptance in which we reintegrate the parts of us that we put in the shadow to become whole again.
So, what exactly is shadow work?
Let me ask you these questions:
“Do you get triggered by other people? If so, what behaviour triggers you?
“Have you ever felt yourself react towards a person in a way that ‘isn’t you?”
“What is it that you are not willing to do, or be, even though you would greatly benefit from it?
These questions lead you towards your Shadow.
The Shadow is in your subconscious and it contains everything which you are rejecting in yourself. On the negative side, it is an unpleasant realm; one that involves shame, dissociation, disgust, superiority and many other difficult feelings.
The Shadow is involved in almost any relationship difficulty. On a positive side, we also have a “golden shadow” where the gifts, knowledge, talents or personality aspects we have that may have been threatening to or unaccepted by others have been pushed into.
Re-integrating the Shadow
Integrating with our Shadow-Parts allows us to accept what we feel is unacceptable in us. It gives us a sense of internal belonging, recreating the home within that we all long for.
The essential stages of Shadow Integration:
1. Acknowledge the existence of a Shadow.
2. Identify and describe this Shadow in detail.
3. Integrate with the Shadow by embodying Shadow-Parts and by getting in touch with the historical roots which created it.
4. Test yourself – Did you disentangle – How reactive are you to the original trigger?
If you feel you are emotionally, mentally and spiritually ready to embark on shadow work than you can join me in the Unlock Your Love Blocks® program. The whole program works with the shadow in subtle ways, however if you want to go straight into direct shadow work then sign up for Key 9 in the Unlock Your Love Blocks® program at
Soul Love