Every thought or feeling has a vibration that can be measured. The reason you want to raise these vibrations is to become more aligned to your Spirit self and live your life on your highest path.
Everything you are experiencing in your life is a result of how you choose to process everything and everyone in your world. You project on to the world what is inside of you. Unfortunately without the intention to be, feel, know and experience more or different you can only act from where you are at. Seeking knowledge and spiritual experiences and other ways to think and feel differently is the start to raising your vibration.
Here are some points where you could start:
- Become more conscious of your thoughts
Every single thought that comes into your head has an impact on you. Whether it originated with you, or your programming and conditioning from your parents doesn’t matter. It is within you and it impacts you and your vibration. When you change those thoughts and think more positively and creatively they shift your vibration and therefore, your experience in life. Start by being mindful of your thought patterns. This might seem a bit exhausting at first, but even become aware of one negative thought a day. Notice what it is and the impact it is having on how you feel. How can you change it to be more positive or empowering. Repeat it often and notice how it makes you feel. - Make meditation a part of your daily practice
Even if you only have five minutes, take the time to be silent, focus on your breathe for a moment. Meditation is a time where you can connect with a higher power and energy field and tune into your intuitive part of yourself. Some people who are particularly highly strung may have a hard time sitting and being for a few minutes. So it means that it should be your priority even more. Like most things you need to be willing and practice it over and over again. Try different styles of meditation and know that in the long run it is going to have a profound affect on your health and well-being. - Become conscious of the foods you eat
Foods are a vibration and hold an energetic frequency. Whatever it is you are eating you are then putting that in your body and that then affects your vibration. Some foods have a low vibration and some have a high vibration. Most of us know what is good and bad for us. Some foods are covered in pesticides that will also have a dramatic effect not only on your physical, mental or emotional health but will also leave you feeling weaker energetically. So will any artificial, chemical or processed foods. - Reduce your drug and alcohol intake
Alcohol and all artificial drugs vibrate on a low level. If you are going to partake in anything then ensure it is not all the time as it will reduce your overall vibration. - Be aware of your home environment
Ensure that your home is filled with high vibrational objects and is a sactuary where you feel safe, at peace and relaxed. Fill your home with prayers and positive intentions, conduct energetic boundary rituals around your home, fill it with flowers, plants, rocks and crystals and books, colours and art that makes you feel good. Get rid of clutter; keep in dust free and clean and wash your bed sheets weekly. Light candles or use dim lighting (avoid fluro lighting) and diffuse pure essential oils regularly if you can. - Reduce low-vibrational television, radio and other social media
Violent or ongoing drama’s can be a thing now with the world of Netflix and other platforms where you can binge watch seasons of a show in a few days. It is a constant stream of negativity. If you are going to watch or listen to anything make it educational or interesting and ensure it is not mainstream tv with constant programming in what to think and commercials in what you should buy. - Become aware of the people you spend most of your time with
You can raise your own energy levels by hanging out with higher vibrating people. Choose to surround yourself with people who are empowering and have the same morals and values as you and see how much your life will change. Your friends are a reflection of you and who you spend most of your time around will reflect on your life. - Practice random acts of kindness and expect nothing in return
Donate, give or spend some time with someone who could do with a bit of a helping hand right now. Not to receive accolades or get anything in return and not to gloat about the good deed you have done on social media so you are then flooded with people telling you how virtuous you are. Do something that can help someone else because you truly want to and then don’t go and gloat about it. Donate clothing or other furniture rather than trying to sell it particularly if you don’t really need the money. Do it out of the kindness of your heart. - Practice compassion and forgiveness
Forgiving is a process and for some events and people it can take a long time or a life time for some. Forgiving and having compassion for someone who hurt you may be one of the hardest things you have to do, but it is the most important. Being in state of grudges and unforgiveness can be damaging to your vibration. When you forgive you are no longer the victim and the person who hurt you or your abuser no longer holds any power over you and your future. Thoughts of revenge are also low vibration and thoughts around forgiveness are high vibrational. Just by thinking thoughts of forgiveness about someone in your past without taking any action will raise your vibration. - Sing
There is something very therapeutic about singing and it will be a fast way to raise your vibration. It is great for helping you express all the feelings you have that you might not always be able to get out whether they be sadness, anger joy etc. Singing is great for unlocking the fifth chakra and healing the inner child. Put singing together with some dancing and it is even higher vibrating