How to lift your vibration when you feel you have been “zapped”

Jan 29, 2025 | Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts, News

Being an energy coach, I have developed many ways to protect my energy field. However, there are times that I may forget or I haven’t cleansed as often as I have needed to with the energies I have been dealing with. It is natural for your energy to drop when you are dealing with a lot of different people or where those closest to you may be toxic or very negative. The ones closest to you can affect you more than the ones that you only have a temporary association with. 

The easiest and most effective way for me to clear, centre and raise my vibration again is to have a bath. A nice salt bath with some oils such as lavender for about 20 minutes usually does the trick. If I do not have the time, a shower will also clear the energies and if you can and even better if you can jump in the ocean or a natural body of water even better. 

I don’t always have the time or the access to natural bodies of water (even though I live 15 minutes away from the beach!) and some people do not have a bath so a shower works!

We are 80 percent water and water carries a vibration which is affecting our mood, emotions and our vibration. 

Gently immerse yourself in the bath with some deep breathing. Every time you breathe out intend o release any energies that are clinging on and no longer serve you. Light a candle if you would like to and cut up a lemon as lemons are natural healing and cleansing agents. Rose quartz holds the energy of love, particular that of self-love and care. 

Your vibration will automatically be brought into harmony with that of the bath. Hold the intention for centring, calming clearing and peace. 

Silence or some relaxing music and even some chanting can be beneficial. 

Always remember if there are people in your world that constantly drain you, feed off you, depend on you unnecessarily, use you, cling to you and zap you, it may be time to think about standing back from them and letting them go. 

If you are working with others than ensure that you are holding the space for them and not trying to do the work for them. 

Soul love



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