Humanity has become accustomed to instant gratification, so it is oftentimes that people are resistant to the process of being responsible for working through the layers of healing. There is a pill to pop for most grievances to help the pain go away but it never really heals the core of the issue. Many people have learnt just to mask their pains.
True healing is spiritual healing. It is healing of the soul and it is not a band aid approach. It requires us to get to the root cause of our distortions so they can be unearthed within the depths of our being and brought to the surface for our higher spiritual light and consciousness to shine down on them so they can be cleared from our energy field and healed on a soul level so we don’t repeat these patterns.
This process of bringing energetic blocks forward generates movement in our energy fields and within our physical bodies which can produce ascension symptoms. In addition, as these energies are transmuted and some even removed a new spiritual life force of your higher vibrational self enters and is integrated with the rest of your being. It will activate dormant DNA and spiritual codes which may often cause some unusual yet normal ascension symptoms.
Because humanity has fallen into such a low level of vibration (mostly fear on the map of consciousness) Mother Earth sent a signal out through the universe asking for help. Humanity has been given a choice now either to awaken and raise their vibration or they will reincarnate somewhere else. Spirit has also shown me “two earths” or rather two very distinct types of vibration (lower and higher) occupying the earth for a period of time in this transition to healing. The Souls who have chosen or will choose to awaken will and are receiving help from spiritual dimensions to assist them with their healing and transformational process. This can be brutal for a time being as the process has to be fast; faster than it ever has been before. We call this the quickening where we are transforming our dense energies at an accelerated rate.
Many Souls had disconnected from their higher selves for many lifetimes. As we begin now to refocus our attention back our ascension we will begin to reopen energetic channels, portals and pathways that have previously been blocking us from attaining union with our Higher Selves.
Our goal is to open up many deep, hidden and higher vibrating chambers in our hearts brains and chakra systems that will help us connect to our Higher Selves. This only promises a pathway of higher vibration and meaning, but one of purpose and divine lover relationships; healed relationships with our Ancestors and a brighter future for our children where they can embody their spiritual nature and not be shut off from it.
Before we can reach the place of the “New Earth” (a place of balance and unification within ourselves) we need to go through a profound period of spiritual detox where we purge ourselves of lifetimes of stored pain, trauma and karma. These distorted energies were created over many lifetimes and they will not just go away overnight.
The ascension path is a journey that will require dedication, persistence and sometimes experiencing uncomfortable feelings. Many people begin this journey and then run in fear because they do not want to deal with the inner distortions that arise within them. They will return to their old ways of being where they allow themselves to step into denial and seek anything where their egos will seek instant gratification.
When I take people through my courses, particularly the Unlock Your Love Blocks® program, you have to face your lower self so you can bring your True Self or Higher Self forward. The time of duality, or duelling with your Lower Self and Higher Self is coming to an end. We are being asked to raise our vibrational frequency so we can bring our Higher Selves down into our bodies and our ego’s can be spiritualised.
This is how we heal the planet.
Many people have been on this path for some time. This is how we can truly see the true nature of the reality we live in.
When each person has done enough work to Unlock their Love Blocks and transcend the ego they become one with their Higher Self and eventually humanity itself will make different choices because of this and become more and more aware of lower vibrating control forces that are on us. Everyone needs to do their own personal work in order for “mass ascension” and true planetary change to occur.
We need to stop looking for instant gratification and we also need to stop expecting our external environments to change without first taking care of our internal environment. Our external environments are a reflection of our inner environments. When we change the mass consciousness, one person at a time, we change the planet.
If you are experiencing ascension symptoms or you would like guidance and support in commencing your ascension journey then I strongly suggest that you join me in my Unlock Your Love Blocks® program and/or contact myself or one of my coaches for some personal sessions to help begin the process of unlocking energetic and soul blocks. You can find out more here at
Soul Love