8 Self-Care Practices to Help You Grieve & Move Beyond Loss

8 Self-Care Practices to Help You Grieve & Move Beyond Loss

When someone we love dies, our world can feel like it’s crashing down around us. Losing a loved one can be devastating and overwhelming, so identifying the most effective ways to cope with the loss is critical. Self-care is one of the most important aspects to process...
The Spirit of Dragonfly

The Spirit of Dragonfly

The very name of this remarkable insect is reminiscent of some magical, fairy-tale creature. Its appearance reminds us of a completely different dimension, the dimension of fairies and elves. The wings of the dragonfly are reminiscent of purity, tenderness, and...
What are Family Constellations?

What are Family Constellations?

I first did my Family Constellation training back in 2012 and since then Family Constellations has been one of the core philosophies of my own healing and that of my client’s. I think it is important that I attempt to explain the power and importance of Family...
The Top 10 Ways to Lead by Example

The Top 10 Ways to Lead by Example

Good leaders must lead by example. Through their actions, which are aligned to what they say, they become a person others want to follow. When leaders say one thing but do another, they erode trust; a critical element of productive leadership. Here are 10 of the...